"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tennessee gunman had unremarkable past; 5th victim dies

"Islam is Peace" Says President George W, Bush
Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.

Yes, all liberals are Muslim coddlers. And they all say "Islam is Peace," except when the Liberal Muslim Coddler is 

The neo-con savior and Messiah, George W. Bush who said:

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.

So there was another mass shooting--this time at a military base--

I don't see what all the complaining is about. You idiots wanted a war with Islam, because your big tough guy answer to everything is always, "kill them all." And so a war is exactly what you've got now. 

I know. Fire a few more missiles from drones and murder a few more families, shrug your shoulders, and call it--collateral damage. No. Big. Deal. 

I know--you are far too stupid to put 2 and 2 together, and are outraged and shocked when "they" turn around and do the same. I am definitely not saying it is the correct response--but God, how stupid do you have to be to not see that this circle of violence WILL NEVER END. No. Too much money to be made. Too much power to be won. Too easy to justify insane extreme beliefs on either side. Too easy to manipulate you cows with fear and violence.

Remember, the gun is just a tool.  It cannot kill anyone.

Remember the Koran is just a book.  It cannot kill anyone. 

Remember, Islam is just a religion.  Religion is just an idea, and it cannot kill anyone.

After the trip, he purchased three assault rifles on an online marketplace and used them for target practice, the friends said.

Remember--Authorities said Abdulazeez sprayed gunfire at a joint military recruiting center in a strip mall in Chattanooga...

Remember--Abdulazeez had purchased three guns on armslist.com after returning from Jordan, including an AK-74, an AR-15, and a Saiga 12, his friends said. They said he also owned a 9mm and a .22 caliber handguns.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Yet another Lame Ass Retarded Facebook Meme, this One about The Great Wall of Mexico

Oh good. Another lame ass...

The Great Wall of Mexico
Fuck You and Your Retarded Facebook Memes

...retarded Internet meme.  How is it people seemingly want to say something, but are simply too lazy to use, you know, words;  words without a pretty little picture to illustrate their retardedness--are we all still children?--is it too much to ask people to use language if you want to express an idea or have an opinion?  But this isn't really the subject of this post, so I'll stop ranting.  Maybe--

But damn you, Richard Dawkins (the great friend of Christianity, God, and religion) for coining that word and the concept of the meme!  Damn you to the hell you do not believe exists!  

I concede my point:  Our lovely United States of North Ameria cannot even keep its roads and bridges in decent, sexy shape, yet the vacuous dim bulbs who hate the federal government and live in a fantasy world where no one pays any taxes to maintain the society they live in, never shut up about building their stupid Mexican alien wall. 

Lo, let us forget about the events in Minneapolis Minnesota, where on August 1, 2007, the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340) collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145.  Likely, the liberal gay media exaggerated the deaths of those victims of gravity.  Sure, they were killed, but at least a patriot moralist could argue it was part of the mystery of God's will, and not some heathen, spiteful act (against God's will) of euthanasia--where the heretic plans the end their life when in a state of horrible pain due to a terminal illness, for instance.     

Hey, minimally we safely say that no-one important died, and their families simply brushed the state's negligent apathy aside like so many dog biscuits.  Rover, fetch, boy--good puppy!  Never and not a big deal this bridge crumbling business appears, especially to those of us who were unaffected--we, the ones who say all the right prayers--our sacrifice to God of Crumbling Bridges accepts and it possesses an aroma of The True Automobile Exhaust 
™ which burningly pleases our merciful, merry Jehovah.  Just pinch His rosy cheeks if you do not believe in me now.  

Cars collapsing on Broken I-35 bridge!
Hurry the Fuck up and Build The Great Wall of Mesico, for Christ's Sake, these People are Depending on It!

Look at me Mom!  No Hands!
Look at me Mom!  I am Riding Bike with no Hands!  Mom, Look Goddamn your Eyes!
The following news snippet I stole from: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/.../19062298-price-tag-for-700:

"The feds have already build 670 miles of fence on the border, like this one near Naco, Ariz. A  deal in the Senate (c. 2013) calls for the completion of 700 more miles. So how much would a new bigger border fence cost?

 A 2009 analysis by the GAO found that the cost of pedestrian fencing ranged between $400,000  and $15 million per mile with an average of $3.9 million a mile. The price of less expensive vehicle fencing ran anywhere from $200,000 to $1.8 million a mile, for an average of $1 million a  mile.

And then there's the need to commandeer private land."

Did you read that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And then there's the need to commandeer private land.

I am sure you would remain deliriously happy handing over your land to the Fed Government. RIGHT???  You know, for pennies on the dollar or a box of shiny beads...

"The government can seize private property under eminent domain, but the costs of that action may not manifest themselves until legal battles are resolved."

The following reads from http://www.washingtonpost.com/.../american-bridges-are.../

"One in 4 of our highway bridges -- 60,000 of them -- are either obsolete or in need of serious repair. Water mains are breaking, many schools are in disrepair, and our roads earned a "D" grade last year from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Overall, the narrative is one of decline and fall from grace."

Fuck it. Who wants the unnecessary assurance and comfort that the goddamned bridges you drive across are not going to crumble beneath you, plunging you to your death 300 feet into the icy water below? That shit only pussies eat.  Praying to Jesus on Sunday morning at church should take care of any unnecessary plunging to death while driving across a bridge dangers.  Yes, the far more important issue remains keeping Mr. and Mrs. Jose Swanson Morales and their sick, starving baby girl Cecelia from entering the United Empires of Israel States of Goddamned America.

You know how those dirty Mesicaans only bring disease and rape into our precious "Fucking Christian" Nation. And while I'm at it, send Jesus Christ a great big wet sloppy kiss on the mouth for me.

Amen Ra, bitches!

[end pointless rant that a) no one care about and, b) fuck you, anthony]

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Looting German Sunshine

My life has not been the same since the illegal gay court supreme marriage ruling dealy-thing. I've been attacked by marauding bands of militant terrorist lesbian anti-soccer activists that criticise New Age feminists who admit to sometimes wearing pink socks in the organic section of Wal-mart.

As a God fearing, anti-inspired government-hating Christian Officer of The New Hitler Youth, I've been standing in the middle of the road, burning effigies of Elton John while handing out anti-Semitic tracts printed on orange paper. These pamphlets blame the Jews of Montana for crucifying our savior and Messiah, Lord Charlie Sheen.

Share this post if you likewise as a person of faith, have been mercilessly persecuted for your similar "deeply" held religious beliefs on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The New World Order: Let' Us Eliminate Open Records Laws in Wisconsin's Government!

 “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

~Ronald "Short Brains" Reagan

January 20, 1981

What is the end-game of the Grand Old Party's hatred of the Government of the United States?  What is the logical outcome of making everything in Government operate like a corporation?  Recently, Wisconsin governor Scott "G.E.D" Walker introduced legislation in the state budget bill to abolish Wisconsin's Open Records Law.  It is this law which allows the small time rift-raft like you and I to find out what our duly elected representatives in government have been playing.  How far can the GOP take this political strategy, making it illegal for voters to access information about their representative democracy?  At what point do we decide that our republic has failed and turn all authority into the hands of a single person or group of people?  

So, according to Republicans, the Wisconsin voter and taxpayer has no right to know how their government representatives perform their public duties.  That sounds like typical GOP logic. 

Why not just get rid of voting and turn government into a for-profit private business? Let's get rid of wasteful social supports, like building roads and bridges, schools, fire departments, police and city water wastewater management, and anything and everything except business related to the military-corporate "defense" industry? The United States could be run by a small board of weapons manufacturers and their Military Brass counterparts.

All citizens would be required to pledge an oath of loyalty to this Board of Directors. All civil rights would be suspended. All political parties except the GOP would be abolished and organizing against them would be punishable by summary execution. Those too weak, or sick, or disabled to serve in the GOP Military Oligarchy would be rounded up and gassed in concentration camps. 

This Supreme Government would abolish taxes because they would abolish wages. You either work for minimal food and shelter, or you are put out to die. 

Families would be replaced by breeding camps, and children would be raised to become soldiers. Global war would be the chief business of this New World Order. 1 percent would rule with absolute power and wield near infinite wealth while the 99 percent would toil and serve as slaves. 

Sound like something that could never happen? Is this a little far-fetched?

Gov. Walker and Wisconsin GOP retreat on open records limits - Yahoo News

Before anyone accuses me of being a liberal fanboy, I agree with Walker's commitment to not raise taxes in Wisconsin.

However last week he decided to slip in last minute legislation in the state budget to abolish Wisconsin's open record laws.  This "...would shield nearly everything created by state and local government officials from Wisconsin's open records law, including drafts of legislation and staff communications."

This proposal blocks the public and press from information about what our elected representatives have on their hands, clean or otherwise.

Which Walker described and justified (i.e. lied through his teeth) as:

"... The intended policy goal of these changes was to provide a reasonable solution to protect constituents' privacy and to encourage a deliberative process between elected officials and their staff in developing policy. It was never intended to inhibit transparent government in any way."

Right, because blocking from view the actions of the government would in no way "inhibit transparent government."  Sure, and up defined: down; left defined: right; war defined: peace, alive defined: dead, healthy defined: sick, and so on.

In other words, this proposed legislation creates a protecting blanket for bribery and corporate corruption (or in softer terms, quid pro quo) by hiding the origin of kickbacks and who is collecting them:

"The Wisconsin State Journal used the open records law that Republicans wanted to tighten to report in May that...

the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation [a job creation agency] made a loan to one of Walker's top donors.

That report led other media organizations, including The Associated Press, to look into the matter, and the agency also came under scrutiny from the Legislature."

Walker does not want it known who is paying him off, and this is what these Republicans are calling small government. To shield elected representatives of their actions from the public and the press is ANTI-DEMOCRATIC.

This isn't the end of the issue.  Walker hopes to keep this new law at least partially intact;  by making "significant changes to it,"  In other words, narrow and amend the language and keep intact some specific area of a public blackout of documentation.

Example:  you introduce what you know will be impossible to pass extreme legislation and when there is an outcry, pretend to be a 'compromise,' who is willing to scale back the extreme end of the proposal, while keeping the specific, narrow legislation intact.

This is not public service as an elected representative, this is self-serving politics sponsoring private business interests.  This is not government by, of and for the people.  This is greed dressed up as selfless small government patriotism.

Who are the anti-American haters, again?  Anyone?  Anyone?

 Nice job, you filthy bastard, Walker.  Nice job, indeed.

Gov. Walker and Wisconsin GOP retreat on open records limits - Yahoo News: "


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paradox: What if God said in the Bible, that He does not Exist?

God is real because the Bible is the truth of God's word! Nowhere in the Bible does God say He doesn't exist! And He exists to punish homosexuals for their sins against Him! 

That is the reason Real Christians go to Church: to condemn homosexuals! And if a Christian church goes out of the business of judging homosexuals then it isn't a real Church, and those Christians are making God angry! Us Real Christians are here doing the work of God and Jesus! Would you like an analogy, because I know how spiritually devoid of understanding the liberal mind is:

For example, Indiana Jones is real. I know, because I saw a documentary about him on YouTube, it was called, "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." 

Try researching something other than bowing down to Obama on the Internet!

Nowhere in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," does Indian Jones deny that he is real, and in reality, exists!

And since Indiana Jones is real, that mean he discovered the Ark of the Covenant--this is well documented and backed by contemporary films and books on the subject. There must be hundreds of people who have even had their own copy of the Lost Ark documentary on DVD!

How much more solid logical deduction and historical evidence do you need?

Since the Ark was discovered, that proves that God will keep His promise and establish The True Churches that are in the business to condemn homosexuals!  This is the goal and God's plan for us believers!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bristol "My Bun's in my Abstinent Oven" Palin

"Bristol Palin Reveals She Is Pregnant Again: I Know This Will Be a 'Huge Disappointment':  

A stimulating philosophical dialogue with legendary film and television star, actor Gary Busey!  

"Honestly, I've been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one," Palin said of her pregnancy on her blog Thursday. "I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you." (The conservative star is already mom to son Tripp, 6, whom she had with ex-fiance Levi Johnston.)

~Bristol "The Magic Vagina" Palin

Bristol earns $262,000 per year lecturing at schools as an Abstinence Ambassador; only in America.

~Exotica Moon


Only in Obama's America can someone as soft and sweet as Bristol Palin, be subjected to the hammer pounding liberal media conspiracy to undermine true ethics and morals. Are you happy now, you leftist commie mudholes? This fine young, upstand woman has had her image slandered by the liberal media--you are oh so tolerant! Hypocrites!

Gary Busey

Anthony, it must suck to find out that your role model is a hot bag of potatoes.  And by a hot bag of potatoes, I mean a whore.   


Do you liberals not have any babies to slaughter, or is it too early in the morning for your work day to start?

Gary Busey

Anthony, what did you do...wake up early so your wife doesn't catch you whacking off to Fox News?


That is a sick thing to say, Mr. Busey.  And I'm not married because I am saving myself for that special woman which is all part of God's plan. But liberals have no self-control, and must lash out at good Christians like the Palins, who are human, and sometimes make mistakes. The difference is that they ask for forgiveness.

And if you don't like Fox News it is probably because the truth is like a poison in your mind.

Gary Busey

"But liberals have no self-control, and must lash out at good Christians like the Palins"

Laughing my ass off, that has to be the funniest thing I have read on here! Maybe if Bristol had a little more self-control she wouldn't be in this situation.

The people who should be lashing out are the parents of little girls who, unfortunately, looked up to Bristol as a role model.


It isn't Palin's fault that America has become a Godless heathen place of evil. That's what liberalism has done, and occasionally it makes abstinent girls get pregnant, accidently. But, Palin is right, God is merciful. If you have any awareness, that is.

Gary Busey

"That's what liberalism has done, and occasionally it makes abstinent girls get pregnant, accidently."

So explain to me how a girl practicing abstinence accidentally gets pregnant. Did she accidentally trip and fall into a pool of sperm?


I think we both know the answer to that query, Mr. Busey.

Gary Busey 

So explain it to me then Anthony...how does a girl practicing abstinence accidentally get pregnant? I want to hear what you think. You seem to know it all.


That's easy. The doorways of liberalism are doorways to temptation. Sometimes the innocent sheep go astry, like in the Bible, Jesus came to find His lost sheep. Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart. That's how she became great with child. I'm sure even an unrepentant sinner, such as yourself, can see this.

Don't have anything you can say to that. It's a solid thesis.

Gary Busey

Laughing my ass off, you are hilarious!  So in your own words...it was no accident..she gave in.

"Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart."

I seriously can't stop laughing. Dr. Seuss couldn't even make this up. I truly hope that you do not ever have kids.


Richard, it may be fun and games to you, but Bristol must now take a bullet for our side, and bear the brunt of the liberal media, who just plow through the lives of good, moral people like a herd of cattle being flung through the skies during a tornado."

Gary Busey

"good, moral people"...Laughing my ass off!...So now the Palins are good moral people? This is who you look up to help guide you on a good moral upbringing? You really do have problems. I really feel sad for you if somehow this is actually how you think. So Bristol Palin is now a martyr for you? Disturbing.

Also again: So in your own words...NO ACCIDENT...she gave in. "Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart."


Jesus was a martyr for all of us if we choose so. Bristol took a chance on trying to help confused teenaged kids deal with the liberal brainwashing mills, the schools. She risked it all trying to get a message across about letting God control our sex life. The liberals teach that sex is under our control of our bodies and that it is our right to know how these things work. Back in moral times, kids didn't know these shameful things about human biology and everything turned out like God intended!

So yes! She is a martyr and an example for us all to follow! She let God put a baby in her, and not use sex control devices for her own pleasures! That is the message of Abstinence! 

'via Blog this'

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Real Civil War

The real history of the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery. Did you know, for example, that white farmers who owned slaves were not racists? They, in fact, loved their slaves and even paid them. They were provided access to the best food, shelter, clothing, hospitals and doctors, and every other kinds of social service imaginable. Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?

It was actually the black slaves who were racist against the good white Christian slave owners. Because they had a chip on their shoulder about being owned as non-human property, most of these slaves were racist toward the good-natured whites, who were only trying to help them become good at picking cotton 16 hours a day. 

These white plantation owners were teaching these non-humans valuable work skills and moral Christian ethics. The slaves learned about Christianity, and how all people should help one another and treat others the way they themselves would care to be treated! It was a moral that was lacking in the Jungles of the country of Africa! And the thanks these noble whites got in return was a lot of hostility and hatred, abuse and wrongful slander. Unbelievable, right?

And down to this time some of "those people" today, resent having emblems of this noble past shoved in their faces like it is a personal thing. They dislike reminders of the days when real Americans were only trying to help their African brothers and sisters realize their place in the white world. The flag of this enlightened time still waves high and proud on state capital buildings! "Those people" want it removed! Talk about sensitive little girls! 

That's the real history you don't read about in the liberal brainwashing mills, the schools. I believe it is time to settle this matter once and for all times. We need to ship the inferior race back to their own country, Africa!

In the name of Jesus I pray,


Yes, this woman is--just wow--

Gator Girl 

I have been saying your exact words, Anthony, because what you said is absolutely true. But no one is listening and they look at me like I am crazy. History in school only taught us what they wanted us to believe.

P.S. Anthony, Robert E. Lee, the head of the confederacy didn't even own slaves. Or do the people even know that fact? No they do not, but Abraham Lincoln did.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Confederate Flag Mastrubation Heritage

The United States is for all citizens. The confederate flag was first flown during a time when certain people living and working in the south were not considered citizens. They were considered non-human. They were considered property. And Slavery was upheld as a God given Institution. The confederate flag is a symbol of racial division and hatred.

I have an idea. I will enslave you, create a flag that symbolizes my ownership of you, lose a war over it, and then push that symbol in your face on the State Capital, anyway, for decades later.

The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States for South Carolina: 

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States [The right to own humans as property] For many years these laws were executed. [Enforcement of Slave laws].

But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. 

The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. 

In many of these States, the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution.

We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. 

Those States have assumed the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions, and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, 

whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. [!!!]

They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes, and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection. 

Go ahead and tell me the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery. And on another note:  

Wal-mart discontinues selling cheap pseudo-historical junk, and the partisan sycophants go insane with indignity, denouncing the grave injustice and infringement of freedom and liberty upon their precious, fragile lives.

These same people race to the defense of this same Corporation, however, if the issue raised is worker's rights, benefits, and wage increases (however small). 

How truly noble and selfless of them. What daring courage in the face of ultimate evil they display--throwing a temper tantrum over a place to shop. 

Furthermore, Wal-mart, a corporation is (a person) who has the freedom not to sell whatever they choose not to sell. They don't need your permission, do they? If you don't like it, feel free to set up your own shop and peddle all the garbage your heart desires.


The United States is for all citizens. The confederate flag was flown during a time when certain people living and working in the south were not considered citizens. It is a symbol of racial division.

Colonel Angus Beef Stew

The American flag flew during the same time period.


So what.

Colonel Angus Beef Stewburger 

You tell me. It's your thread. Is the American flag a symbol of racial division as well or do you just pick and choose?


The official flag of the US is a symbol for all citizens.

In case you don't understand, I will explain: the 13 red and white horizontal bars symbolize the original 13 colonies. The 50 white stars on a blue field symbolized the 50 states. Note: All 50 states--and the 13 colonies--from the very beginning of America to the present day--a symbol for everyone

Colonel Angus Beef Stewburger

That wasn't your thoughts in your original post. You implied that any flags that were flown during that era were symbols of racial division.


No. I didn't write anything about any other flag. I specifically only wrote about the confederate flag.

"The United States is for all citizens. The confederate flag was flown during a time when certain people living and working in the south were not considered citizens. It is a symbol of racial division."

Where exactly do I talk about other flags in the original post?

My argument is that a flag is a symbol. In this case, of the United States. It is a symbol of a people, its citizens. What else is it? The confederate flag was first flown as a symbol of division. Black slaves were not considered even human, or citizens. Can you understand any of this?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Big Government Abortion Activist

 No one takes up a cause, motivated by nothing.  Ask, what does the moralist busybody crusader gain for their self-appointed task of saving the world?  

Americans live in a country filled with people whose emotional mentality never developed past grade school. Such people are fundamentally unable to stand independent and solitary.  They cleave, a hostage to their own lack of independence; subsequently they need to find their identity in group activism. 

This dynamic functions as a kind of surrogate mother or nanny.  The long birthing of such an unnatural beast reasons the United States became an enormous Nanny State.

Here any person’s type of independent action is measured against the entity known as The Government. The Government, in this sense, acts as a group’s power to condemn, judge, and jail anyone who dares to stand alone and develop as a normal, healthy adult. 

These adult-children, as Americans civil activist, spend their entire lives judging others’ values and standards, their morality and perspective, their words and actions while putting themselves on a pedestal.  Questions of the established civil rights of others are brushed aside.  The activist narcissist also sees established law relative solely to their perspective.  They often claim a divine absolute morality, i.e. from God and the Bible, while at the same time feel free to slander, stalk, harass, and even employ violence up to the point of murdering their opposition.     

Everyone in this godforsaken collective thinks they know what the best is for someone else while they themselves lack all strength or power to exercise anything independent.  Alone they shiver frightened and helpless.  These people live in a continual state of fear.  Terrified of someone else’s power to thrive outside their island of arrested development, they lash out at what they cannot understand.

People, mind your own damn business for a change!  Let a woman and anyone she cares to involve decides what her best course of action concerning her pregnancy remains! 

What part of “minding your own business,” do these subhuman, empty-headed delusional idiots not understand?

"Abortion--It is taking a life of a child," bellows the manic freak busybody.   Let me point this out:   They don't give a damn about anyone's life other than their own.  These narcissists feed off the misery they create in others’ lives.  Incapable of self-contentment and independent thought and action, they cleave to causes which elevate their sense of importance.  Terrified of making their own path, they make it their business to decide what is best for others.

A truly profoundly weak society places no responsibility in the hand of the individual, where it belongs.  It is a symptom of a stupidly misinformed, misguided, and illiterate group where every member spends all their life's energy telling every other person how to conduct themselves across the vast ocean of the world’s decisions. 
These terrible bleeding hearts just pour out useless, baseless, and emotional drivel–pretending to care ever so much for the unborn.  Emotionally invested in other people’s decisions, they reveal an empty-headed, childish, and meaningless life. 

And do they give a damn about these precious innocents after they are born? No. No, they do not give some holy rat's ass what happens. They simply want to revel in their empty-headed self-righteousness.

They want to pat themselves on the back for their holy crusade while making women who face impossibly hard decisions, miserable. They are the furthest thing from a humanitarian. These vile miscreants remain devoid of anything except profound selfishness–they possess nothing and they stand for nobody.  

Burning Ducklings of the Confederacy:

Give me that old time chicken
I feed
Like burning ducklings
In the Christmas of Hopelessness
The raisin girls and their ketchup boyfriends
Mock Jesus
And Exotica Moon
(She has her hair in ribbons.)

We jump at the psycho-driven moment
And eat the cabbage
Even though 
Grandmother warned us
"Those People."

For more information please visit  Burning Ducklings of the Confederacy:

'via Blog this'

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Labor Camps in Siberia for Mexican Children

There has been a plague of sleepy Mexicans coming to the United States without God's permission.  Many of these wretched criminals are little more than children. Children get on our nerves, so I am certain I will find fine sympathy. Folks, this is both sickening and sends a message that any sleepy Mexican can just take our great country as if we all had as many cable channels that a person could want.  Well, fuck that I hardly have enough television to feed and clothe myself, for Christ's sake. 

Anthony of the Highly Exalted:  My six-year-old daughter, Lisa, asked me why the Republicans want to send my daughter's friend Isabella back to Mexico, where the drug gangs killed her mother Consuela and her little brother, Pedro. They got caught in a police and gang shootout crossfire and were killed right in front of her.   

Lisa has golden strawberry hair and an innocent face that makes Jesus jealous.  I often take her to the zoo on Saturday after school with her friend so they can see the tropical birds.  They especially like the horny owls and the vampire bats.  I swear those two are probably going to eat me alive.    

You see, gentle reader, it is the United States demand for drugs that create the drug wars in Mexico. Americans are basically very miserable animals despite having the choice of 657 different flavors of yogurt to choose from in the grocery store.  We need to consume drugs because having choices pisses us off, and that is why Obama was elected.  We just gave up and decided to go with a half-white, half-dark for chicken dinner.  If you get my drift.  

So every time you take a hit of that fine dank stank, you are making children like Isabella go to the zoo with me. Thanks a lot, guys. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feedback Outside the Communist Flamethrower------------------------

Scott Retardedly Occupied

Sure that wasn't you six-year-old wife?

Anthony Slaughterhouse Rules

No, Scott, it was your six-year-old wife.  Oh, ouch!  Burn!  

Robert Dusty Meat

Are you saying "anybody that wants to come into this country, legal or illegally, and stay is okay"?

Anthony Slaughterhouse Rules

I am saying that I am the fuck, sir.   
Johnathan Beef-cake Pantyhose Man

Tell your daughter that Isabella's parents are criminals. That instead of doing the right thing like the other 1 Million immigrants that come here legally each year that Isabella's parents wanted to take the easy way and make Americans pay for it.

Anthony Slaughterhouse Rules

Buddy, I cannot tell Isabella parents anything. Her mother was caught in a drug shootout and was killed right in front of her. Her father had passed away years earlier from depression looking at you. Have a nice day.

PS. I do see your point, however. You are probably right. That dirty little girl is little more than an oxygen thief, breathing all your pure hard earned American air. Have a nice day.

Johnathan Beef-cake Pantyhose Man 

Can America take in all of the world’s poor? Please say yes, and prove to everybody what a true idiot you are. There are 100's of millions of poor people in Africa. When will you be inviting them to your neighborhood? Shut up, you ignorant bleeding heart. Answer just one of these valid questions with a shred of intelligence.

Taun the Demented Lithuania  

Anthony is probably an illegal alien.

Anthony Slaughterhouse Rules

I am here illegally!  You see, I am on the run from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for killing Christmas. 
Johnathan Beef-cake Pantyhose Man

They are already in our neighborhoods. You're not even from the USA.

Anthony Slaughterhouse Rules

Yes, Johnathan Beefcakes  I see your point. Since we cannot fix all of the world's problems and create a Paradise for Everyone  it follows we shouldn't help anyone. It wouldn't be fair, now, would it? To the ones left behind?  Does that qualify as your standard “shred of intelligence?”

May you always be full and comfortable, go and be well fed and filled with children and riches. Bless you, Beefcakes, and have a nice day.

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