"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Yet another Lame Ass Retarded Facebook Meme, this One about The Great Wall of Mexico

Oh good. Another lame ass...

The Great Wall of Mexico
Fuck You and Your Retarded Facebook Memes

...retarded Internet meme.  How is it people seemingly want to say something, but are simply too lazy to use, you know, words;  words without a pretty little picture to illustrate their retardedness--are we all still children?--is it too much to ask people to use language if you want to express an idea or have an opinion?  But this isn't really the subject of this post, so I'll stop ranting.  Maybe--

But damn you, Richard Dawkins (the great friend of Christianity, God, and religion) for coining that word and the concept of the meme!  Damn you to the hell you do not believe exists!  

I concede my point:  Our lovely United States of North Ameria cannot even keep its roads and bridges in decent, sexy shape, yet the vacuous dim bulbs who hate the federal government and live in a fantasy world where no one pays any taxes to maintain the society they live in, never shut up about building their stupid Mexican alien wall. 

Lo, let us forget about the events in Minneapolis Minnesota, where on August 1, 2007, the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340) collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145.  Likely, the liberal gay media exaggerated the deaths of those victims of gravity.  Sure, they were killed, but at least a patriot moralist could argue it was part of the mystery of God's will, and not some heathen, spiteful act (against God's will) of euthanasia--where the heretic plans the end their life when in a state of horrible pain due to a terminal illness, for instance.     

Hey, minimally we safely say that no-one important died, and their families simply brushed the state's negligent apathy aside like so many dog biscuits.  Rover, fetch, boy--good puppy!  Never and not a big deal this bridge crumbling business appears, especially to those of us who were unaffected--we, the ones who say all the right prayers--our sacrifice to God of Crumbling Bridges accepts and it possesses an aroma of The True Automobile Exhaust 
™ which burningly pleases our merciful, merry Jehovah.  Just pinch His rosy cheeks if you do not believe in me now.  

Cars collapsing on Broken I-35 bridge!
Hurry the Fuck up and Build The Great Wall of Mesico, for Christ's Sake, these People are Depending on It!

Look at me Mom!  No Hands!
Look at me Mom!  I am Riding Bike with no Hands!  Mom, Look Goddamn your Eyes!
The following news snippet I stole from: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/.../19062298-price-tag-for-700:

"The feds have already build 670 miles of fence on the border, like this one near Naco, Ariz. A  deal in the Senate (c. 2013) calls for the completion of 700 more miles. So how much would a new bigger border fence cost?

 A 2009 analysis by the GAO found that the cost of pedestrian fencing ranged between $400,000  and $15 million per mile with an average of $3.9 million a mile. The price of less expensive vehicle fencing ran anywhere from $200,000 to $1.8 million a mile, for an average of $1 million a  mile.

And then there's the need to commandeer private land."

Did you read that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And then there's the need to commandeer private land.

I am sure you would remain deliriously happy handing over your land to the Fed Government. RIGHT???  You know, for pennies on the dollar or a box of shiny beads...

"The government can seize private property under eminent domain, but the costs of that action may not manifest themselves until legal battles are resolved."

The following reads from http://www.washingtonpost.com/.../american-bridges-are.../

"One in 4 of our highway bridges -- 60,000 of them -- are either obsolete or in need of serious repair. Water mains are breaking, many schools are in disrepair, and our roads earned a "D" grade last year from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Overall, the narrative is one of decline and fall from grace."

Fuck it. Who wants the unnecessary assurance and comfort that the goddamned bridges you drive across are not going to crumble beneath you, plunging you to your death 300 feet into the icy water below? That shit only pussies eat.  Praying to Jesus on Sunday morning at church should take care of any unnecessary plunging to death while driving across a bridge dangers.  Yes, the far more important issue remains keeping Mr. and Mrs. Jose Swanson Morales and their sick, starving baby girl Cecelia from entering the United Empires of Israel States of Goddamned America.

You know how those dirty Mesicaans only bring disease and rape into our precious "Fucking Christian" Nation. And while I'm at it, send Jesus Christ a great big wet sloppy kiss on the mouth for me.

Amen Ra, bitches!

[end pointless rant that a) no one care about and, b) fuck you, anthony]