"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paradox: What if God said in the Bible, that He does not Exist?

God is real because the Bible is the truth of God's word! Nowhere in the Bible does God say He doesn't exist! And He exists to punish homosexuals for their sins against Him! 

That is the reason Real Christians go to Church: to condemn homosexuals! And if a Christian church goes out of the business of judging homosexuals then it isn't a real Church, and those Christians are making God angry! Us Real Christians are here doing the work of God and Jesus! Would you like an analogy, because I know how spiritually devoid of understanding the liberal mind is:

For example, Indiana Jones is real. I know, because I saw a documentary about him on YouTube, it was called, "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." 

Try researching something other than bowing down to Obama on the Internet!

Nowhere in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," does Indian Jones deny that he is real, and in reality, exists!

And since Indiana Jones is real, that mean he discovered the Ark of the Covenant--this is well documented and backed by contemporary films and books on the subject. There must be hundreds of people who have even had their own copy of the Lost Ark documentary on DVD!

How much more solid logical deduction and historical evidence do you need?

Since the Ark was discovered, that proves that God will keep His promise and establish The True Churches that are in the business to condemn homosexuals!  This is the goal and God's plan for us believers!

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