"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tennessee gunman had unremarkable past; 5th victim dies

"Islam is Peace" Says President George W, Bush
Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.

Yes, all liberals are Muslim coddlers. And they all say "Islam is Peace," except when the Liberal Muslim Coddler is 

The neo-con savior and Messiah, George W. Bush who said:

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.

So there was another mass shooting--this time at a military base--

I don't see what all the complaining is about. You idiots wanted a war with Islam, because your big tough guy answer to everything is always, "kill them all." And so a war is exactly what you've got now. 

I know. Fire a few more missiles from drones and murder a few more families, shrug your shoulders, and call it--collateral damage. No. Big. Deal. 

I know--you are far too stupid to put 2 and 2 together, and are outraged and shocked when "they" turn around and do the same. I am definitely not saying it is the correct response--but God, how stupid do you have to be to not see that this circle of violence WILL NEVER END. No. Too much money to be made. Too much power to be won. Too easy to justify insane extreme beliefs on either side. Too easy to manipulate you cows with fear and violence.

Remember, the gun is just a tool.  It cannot kill anyone.

Remember the Koran is just a book.  It cannot kill anyone. 

Remember, Islam is just a religion.  Religion is just an idea, and it cannot kill anyone.

After the trip, he purchased three assault rifles on an online marketplace and used them for target practice, the friends said.

Remember--Authorities said Abdulazeez sprayed gunfire at a joint military recruiting center in a strip mall in Chattanooga...

Remember--Abdulazeez had purchased three guns on armslist.com after returning from Jordan, including an AK-74, an AR-15, and a Saiga 12, his friends said. They said he also owned a 9mm and a .22 caliber handguns.

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