"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Big Government Abortion Activist

 No one takes up a cause, motivated by nothing.  Ask, what does the moralist busybody crusader gain for their self-appointed task of saving the world?  

Americans live in a country filled with people whose emotional mentality never developed past grade school. Such people are fundamentally unable to stand independent and solitary.  They cleave, a hostage to their own lack of independence; subsequently they need to find their identity in group activism. 

This dynamic functions as a kind of surrogate mother or nanny.  The long birthing of such an unnatural beast reasons the United States became an enormous Nanny State.

Here any person’s type of independent action is measured against the entity known as The Government. The Government, in this sense, acts as a group’s power to condemn, judge, and jail anyone who dares to stand alone and develop as a normal, healthy adult. 

These adult-children, as Americans civil activist, spend their entire lives judging others’ values and standards, their morality and perspective, their words and actions while putting themselves on a pedestal.  Questions of the established civil rights of others are brushed aside.  The activist narcissist also sees established law relative solely to their perspective.  They often claim a divine absolute morality, i.e. from God and the Bible, while at the same time feel free to slander, stalk, harass, and even employ violence up to the point of murdering their opposition.     

Everyone in this godforsaken collective thinks they know what the best is for someone else while they themselves lack all strength or power to exercise anything independent.  Alone they shiver frightened and helpless.  These people live in a continual state of fear.  Terrified of someone else’s power to thrive outside their island of arrested development, they lash out at what they cannot understand.

People, mind your own damn business for a change!  Let a woman and anyone she cares to involve decides what her best course of action concerning her pregnancy remains! 

What part of “minding your own business,” do these subhuman, empty-headed delusional idiots not understand?

"Abortion--It is taking a life of a child," bellows the manic freak busybody.   Let me point this out:   They don't give a damn about anyone's life other than their own.  These narcissists feed off the misery they create in others’ lives.  Incapable of self-contentment and independent thought and action, they cleave to causes which elevate their sense of importance.  Terrified of making their own path, they make it their business to decide what is best for others.

A truly profoundly weak society places no responsibility in the hand of the individual, where it belongs.  It is a symptom of a stupidly misinformed, misguided, and illiterate group where every member spends all their life's energy telling every other person how to conduct themselves across the vast ocean of the world’s decisions. 
These terrible bleeding hearts just pour out useless, baseless, and emotional drivel–pretending to care ever so much for the unborn.  Emotionally invested in other people’s decisions, they reveal an empty-headed, childish, and meaningless life. 

And do they give a damn about these precious innocents after they are born? No. No, they do not give some holy rat's ass what happens. They simply want to revel in their empty-headed self-righteousness.

They want to pat themselves on the back for their holy crusade while making women who face impossibly hard decisions, miserable. They are the furthest thing from a humanitarian. These vile miscreants remain devoid of anything except profound selfishness–they possess nothing and they stand for nobody.  

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