"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Looting German Sunshine

My life has not been the same since the illegal gay court supreme marriage ruling dealy-thing. I've been attacked by marauding bands of militant terrorist lesbian anti-soccer activists that criticise New Age feminists who admit to sometimes wearing pink socks in the organic section of Wal-mart.

As a God fearing, anti-inspired government-hating Christian Officer of The New Hitler Youth, I've been standing in the middle of the road, burning effigies of Elton John while handing out anti-Semitic tracts printed on orange paper. These pamphlets blame the Jews of Montana for crucifying our savior and Messiah, Lord Charlie Sheen.

Share this post if you likewise as a person of faith, have been mercilessly persecuted for your similar "deeply" held religious beliefs on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.