"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bristol "My Bun's in my Abstinent Oven" Palin

"Bristol Palin Reveals She Is Pregnant Again: I Know This Will Be a 'Huge Disappointment':  

A stimulating philosophical dialogue with legendary film and television star, actor Gary Busey!  

"Honestly, I've been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one," Palin said of her pregnancy on her blog Thursday. "I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you." (The conservative star is already mom to son Tripp, 6, whom she had with ex-fiance Levi Johnston.)

~Bristol "The Magic Vagina" Palin

Bristol earns $262,000 per year lecturing at schools as an Abstinence Ambassador; only in America.

~Exotica Moon


Only in Obama's America can someone as soft and sweet as Bristol Palin, be subjected to the hammer pounding liberal media conspiracy to undermine true ethics and morals. Are you happy now, you leftist commie mudholes? This fine young, upstand woman has had her image slandered by the liberal media--you are oh so tolerant! Hypocrites!

Gary Busey

Anthony, it must suck to find out that your role model is a hot bag of potatoes.  And by a hot bag of potatoes, I mean a whore.   


Do you liberals not have any babies to slaughter, or is it too early in the morning for your work day to start?

Gary Busey

Anthony, what did you do...wake up early so your wife doesn't catch you whacking off to Fox News?


That is a sick thing to say, Mr. Busey.  And I'm not married because I am saving myself for that special woman which is all part of God's plan. But liberals have no self-control, and must lash out at good Christians like the Palins, who are human, and sometimes make mistakes. The difference is that they ask for forgiveness.

And if you don't like Fox News it is probably because the truth is like a poison in your mind.

Gary Busey

"But liberals have no self-control, and must lash out at good Christians like the Palins"

Laughing my ass off, that has to be the funniest thing I have read on here! Maybe if Bristol had a little more self-control she wouldn't be in this situation.

The people who should be lashing out are the parents of little girls who, unfortunately, looked up to Bristol as a role model.


It isn't Palin's fault that America has become a Godless heathen place of evil. That's what liberalism has done, and occasionally it makes abstinent girls get pregnant, accidently. But, Palin is right, God is merciful. If you have any awareness, that is.

Gary Busey

"That's what liberalism has done, and occasionally it makes abstinent girls get pregnant, accidently."

So explain to me how a girl practicing abstinence accidentally gets pregnant. Did she accidentally trip and fall into a pool of sperm?


I think we both know the answer to that query, Mr. Busey.

Gary Busey 

So explain it to me then Anthony...how does a girl practicing abstinence accidentally get pregnant? I want to hear what you think. You seem to know it all.


That's easy. The doorways of liberalism are doorways to temptation. Sometimes the innocent sheep go astry, like in the Bible, Jesus came to find His lost sheep. Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart. That's how she became great with child. I'm sure even an unrepentant sinner, such as yourself, can see this.

Don't have anything you can say to that. It's a solid thesis.

Gary Busey

Laughing my ass off, you are hilarious!  So in your own words...it was no accident..she gave in.

"Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart."

I seriously can't stop laughing. Dr. Seuss couldn't even make this up. I truly hope that you do not ever have kids.


Richard, it may be fun and games to you, but Bristol must now take a bullet for our side, and bear the brunt of the liberal media, who just plow through the lives of good, moral people like a herd of cattle being flung through the skies during a tornado."

Gary Busey

"good, moral people"...Laughing my ass off!...So now the Palins are good moral people? This is who you look up to help guide you on a good moral upbringing? You really do have problems. I really feel sad for you if somehow this is actually how you think. So Bristol Palin is now a martyr for you? Disturbing.

Also again: So in your own words...NO ACCIDENT...she gave in. "Bristol is like a lost sheep who went astray and some wolf took advantage of her tender heart."


Jesus was a martyr for all of us if we choose so. Bristol took a chance on trying to help confused teenaged kids deal with the liberal brainwashing mills, the schools. She risked it all trying to get a message across about letting God control our sex life. The liberals teach that sex is under our control of our bodies and that it is our right to know how these things work. Back in moral times, kids didn't know these shameful things about human biology and everything turned out like God intended!

So yes! She is a martyr and an example for us all to follow! She let God put a baby in her, and not use sex control devices for her own pleasures! That is the message of Abstinence! 

'via Blog this'

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