"Lots of slaves became rich and some became powerful men and women in high positions in the Confederate Government. But the liberal racists don't teach our precious children that in school, do they?"

~from The Compassionate Confederacy

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Burning Ducklings of the Confederacy:

Give me that old time chicken
I feed
Like burning ducklings
In the Christmas of Hopelessness
The raisin girls and their ketchup boyfriends
Mock Jesus
And Exotica Moon
(She has her hair in ribbons.)

We jump at the psycho-driven moment
And eat the cabbage
Even though 
Grandmother warned us
"Those People."

For more information please visit  Burning Ducklings of the Confederacy:

'via Blog this'


Anthony Rock said...
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Anthony Rock said...

This is appalling. I am suing you.